
Saturday, September 3, 2011

Welcome to My Crazy Life

This week has been absolutely CRAZY!

It all began Monday. It was hubby's birthday AND Baby Girl's first day of Driver's ed. Excuse me while I sob yet again. Anyway, I made grilled chicken fajitas with rice and beans for dinner then had to rush off to take the baby to class. Only to pick her up two hours later. 

In rushes Tuesday. Two loads of laundry washed, dried on the line, folded, and put away. Organizing books (lots of books) where I warehouse them. Filling and shipping orders. Rushing home to pick up the baby for day two of class...only to pick her up two hours later. Ugh. 

Wednesday, more of the same.

Thursday. Baby girl went back to school. I did more filling orders/shipping. Took the neighbor to do some grocery shopping. Got home in time to sign necessary forms for school. Had to leave early for class to pick up some binders needed. Only to pick up two hours later!! 

Will this week end? I don't feel it.

In comes Friday. TGIF? I think not. After running all over town doing absolutely necessary errands, came home to pick up the Baby for a violin lesson. From there to help man the concession stand for the Friday night football game.

Saturday. Ahhh. A day to relax? Nope. Remember the birthday dinner on Monday? The dirty dishes are still waiting. I think I could maybe just toss em in the garbage. I suppose not. Washed the dishes. More volunteering at the concession stand for Saturday's game. Expecting company so I quick vacuumed and tidied the living room. Only to find out company will be here TOMORROW! I have to think of something to fix for dinner for our guests who may or may not be eating here. They are attending a graduation party before coming, but unsure if dinner will be served. UGH. Guess we'll play it by ear...

Hopefully next week will be calmer. If not, hope it's nuts enough to be interesting. 
Talk to you soon. Maybe or maybe not tomorrow.


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