
Friday, December 2, 2011

Take Your Child to a Bookstore Day

Saturday marks the 2nd annual Take Your Child to a Bookstore Day. Suspense writer Jenny Milchman started the movement last November and it has since grown to 250 bookstores in 45 states participating with special events. Canada, England, and Australia are also participating.

Milchman said, "We need to show our children the pleasure, not just the story, or even of a book, but of a bookSTORE. A place of half-hidden treasures just waiting to be discovered. Where you pluck things off shelves that are richer than jewels."

I know the event's focus is about the experience of the bookstore, but if you're looking for some ideas for new reading material you might want to take a peek at the 2011 American Library Association's Notable Children's Books for younger, middle, and older readers.

Have a fantastic weekend.
Happy reading,


  1. Thank you, Angela, for discovering Take Your Child to a Bookstore Day! What great pics you selected. And totally in the spirit of TYCBD--nurturing and nourishing reading for a lifetime!

  2. All thanks to you for spearheading such an incredible movement.
