
Thursday, February 2, 2012

World Book Night Book Giver Deadline Extended

Want to participate in World Book Night 2012? It's not too late!

Book giver sign-up deadline has been extended to Monday, February 6.
We need book-loving volunteers to fan out across America on April 23, 2012! Just take 20 free copies of a book to a location in your community, and you just might change someone's life. Please sign up by Feb. 6 EST at midnight.

The goal is to give books to new readers, to encourage reading, to share your passion for a great book. The entire publishing, bookstore, library, author, printing, and paper community is behind this effort with donated services and time.

The first World Book Night was held in the UK last year, and it was such a big success that it's spreading around the world! Please volunteer to be a book giver in the U.S. Sign up now to be a book giver.
Sharing the love of books and reading,

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