
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Tips for New Book Bloggers

Hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

I'm behind, yet again. No surprise there. I don't have any personal tips for new bloggers. I've been blogging for only just about a year. But The Pioneer Woman, Ree Drummond, posted some great tips awhile back that I love. So here are her Ten Important Things I've Learned About Blogging:

1. First of all she says to be yourself and write in your own voice.
2. Blog often, kind of like watering a plant. Keep at it so it has a fighting chance of blooming.
3. Be varied and change things up a bit to keep your readers engaged.
4. Exercise more to counteract the sedentary nature of sitting in front of a computer.
5. Allow your boundaries of what you will share with your readers to set themselves.
6. Do what feels right for you.
7. Don't be afraid to embarrass yourself.
8. Use spell-check and proper grammar, and if alerted by readers of mistakes, don't be offended. Be gracious.
9. If struck with a gnarly case of writer's block. Write anyway. Something.
10. Value every person who takes time out of their day to stop by your blog.

With that, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for checking out my Top Ten.


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  1. Great tips - and I love The Pioneer Woman, but missed these. I especially like how she likened posting often on a blog to watering plants. And especially for new bloggers.

    1. Hi Tanya Patrice,
      Thanks for coming by. I agree, Pioneer Woman keeps it so real.

  2. Replies
    1. Hi Jillian,
      I have to agree. I have to make myself get up and move sometimes. I really appreciate that you stopped by.

  3. Hey, after one year you are not a newbie anymore...:)
    I like the exercise advice, something we book and computer lovers often forget.

    1. Hey Rikki,
      End of May it will be a year, and I still feel like I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing sometimes...LOL. Thank you so much for visiting.

  4. Exercise! What a smart, and easily forgotten, tip!

    1. I completely agree. Thanks a million for stopping by.

  5. I love these tips, they're very wise. And it's so true that the best cure for writer's block is writing. Just a couple of paragraphs is often all it takes to get you going again :-)

    1. Hi Sophia,
      Thanks for coming by. If anyone would know the best cure for writer's block, it would be PW.

  6. LOL, I was just thinking the other day, "WOW, I really need to get off my butt and exercise rather than sit here and blogging!" Touche, Pioneer Woman, touche! :)

    I love that you shared a list of advice you found helpful. As bloggers, we think we always have something interesting to say (or at least that we always want to have something interesting to say), but I love when we can share something that has helped or inspired us. Great list and great idea!

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

    1. I was thinking the same thing! And I'm sure if Pioneer Woman stopped by she'd love to see that you liked her list enough to share :)

    2. Hi Erin and Jen,
      Thank you so much guys for the encouragement! Still figuring all of this stuff out.

  7. Hi there :) just popping in...

    These are awesome tips, number 10 especially :D Thanks for stopping by as well.

    Waiting On Wednesday

    1. Hey Book Slave,
      Glad you're inspired as much as I was. PW knows her stuff. It was my pleasure :)

  8. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love your list -- concise, and totally right! I haven't seen the exercise point on any other TTT thus far... well said!

    1. Hi Melissa,
      My pleasure. It's not my list to be clear, it is Pioneer Woman's, but I'm thrilled to have shared it with you.

  9. I got behind last Tuesday and then couldn't come up with a top ten. These are some really great tips! Thanks for sharing!

    Melissa @ Reading It All

    1. Hi Melissa Haggerty,
      I sooo get that. I was in the hospital and had to demand to be released so that I could get my Top Ten posted. No, not really that dramatic. Anyway, thanks a million for stopping by.

  10. Great list from Ree Drummond; thanks for sharing it! The point about exercise reminds me that I haven't today. Guess I ought to put a little time in on the rowing machine. :)

    Thanks for coming by my blog!

  11. Great list, thanks for sharing! All these points are so true!

    Thank you for stopping by my list!

    1. Hi Hollie,
      Thanks so much. The pleasure was all mine.

  12. Great advice. I think that being true to yourself is the advice that most bloggers can agree on. It's pays to be yourself and let your true voice be heard.

    JJ iReads
    Check out my Top Ten Picks This Week

    1. Hey JJ,
      Thanks a million for stopping by. Your list offers up some fantastic advice.

  13. Hah! I love the tip about exercising! Thanks for list, I love Ree Drummond.

    1. I know I forget to get and move. I get so zoned in on what I'm doing that sometimes I end up sitting in front of the computer for hours. Ree is the best :)

  14. These are some good tips, especially the exercise one and of course valuing those who stop by your blog! It only takes a second to pop over to their blog and say hi!

  15. These are great tips and told in such a delightful way. I never thought about the exercising but it makes sense.

    1. Hi Lisa,
      Thanks so much for stopping by for a quick visit.

  16. Great advice! I definitely need to exercise more and take breaks when I'm on a blogging mission - right now I have pins-and-needles in my left foot because I've been sitting here for faaaar too long! I also need to work on not being afraid of embarrassing myself. I am way too self-conscious sometimes.

    1. Hi Hafsah,
      Thanks so much for stopping by. I love your advice about keeping your titles simple and concise, but containing the keywords that are important (Although in my comment I had a typo on "exciting")

  17. Nice tips! I don't agree with forcing yourself to write though. I've found just walking away and taking time for yourself to be the much better option.

    1. Thank you for that additional tip CheapReader. I'm still such a rookie that I need all the help I can get :)

  18. What fabulous advice- for new and old bloggers. :) I always like to be reminded of tips and things to do- because it helps to keep me focused. I hate to find typos or errors in my posts- but it happens (it is so hard to proof your own work). If people let me know about them- I am just happy to fix them!


    1. Hi Jess,
      It's so nice to see you! I totally agree, I would hate for an unnoticed typo to be in the blogosphere for eternity :)

  19. These are some great ones! #8 is a big one for me. I'm a grammar freak, so if I ever make a mistake, I'd definitely want to know!! I usually proof-read my posts, but sometimes things slip through anyway. Great list!

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by! I feel exactly the same way.

  20. thanks for stopping by my blog. Your advice is wonderful! I especially like writing in your own voice, because I think it's important to be yourself! Great tips. =)

    1. The pleasure was all mine, Megan. That Pioneer Woman sure knows her stuff! Thank you so much for stopping to visit.

  21. I like #10 most. I fear that we sometimes forget to value people in general. Thanks for stopping by my blog :)

    1. Hey Med,
      That is so true. Thank you so much for coming by.

  22. Really helpful tips. I find it hard to 'be myself' so it's good to be reminded.

    1. Hi Barbara,
      Thanks so much for coming by. I can spend hours on your website looking at the children's book illustrations. You sure know your stuff.

  23. These are great for anyone at any stage to remember- sometimes we take ourselves so seriously or get so wrapped up in other stuff that we forget to take a step back. Also, thanks for stopping by my blog!

    1. Hi Emily,
      That is so true! It was my pleasure.

  24. Excellent advice! I love to be reminded of tips. Number 4 is great- because the days when I am not teaching and I am home- it is so easy to get sucked to my chair in front of the computer. Somehow the time just goes by. I need to remember to get up every once and a while! :)


    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, Stephanie. Oh my gosh, I know what you mean.

  25. Thanks for these, they are very helpfull.

    Thanks for stopping by and for the follow, I'm following back :)

    1. Howdy Liza,
      Thank you so much. The pleasure was all mine.

  26. These posts are some of my favorites to read - I just love seeing whatever has as a tip, as there's something we all can learn or pick up or what not :) I just had a ton of fun reading them all.

  27. its a cool blog and got good reputation among its trafffic nice work

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words, Rauf.
