
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Young Adult Summer Reading Flowchart infographic, a comprehensive resource for information about becoming a great teacher, has just launched the Young Adult Summer Reading Flowchart--a follow up to their wildly popular Summer Reading Flowchart from last year.

Although it's called the "Young Adult" Summer Reading Flowchart, most of these books appeal to readers of all ages. The Flowchart works by dividing nearly 100 books into different categories depending on genre, interests, and theme. Whether you're looking for historical fiction, post-apocalyptic themed epics, or poignant coming of age stories, the Flowchart will guide you through the different options, leading to the book that's right for you.

With the success of series like Twilight and The Hunger Games, young adult books are more popular than ever, and teens are getting excited about reading. But the Young Adult Summer Reading Flowchart goes beyond highlighting recently popular reads: it also points to gems of classic literature, such as The Catcher In The Rye and The Secret Garden. There's something here for everybody, so check out the Flowchart below to get started on your next great read this summer!

The Young Adult Summer Reading Flowchart
Brought to you by

Very best, Michelle

Michelle Koh
Outreach Editor,

Many thanks to Michelle Koh and the fine folks at for putting together this amazing resource. ~ Angela


  1. Wow I love this flowchart! I've read a couple of the books on here, but not many.

    Tanya Patrice

    1. Oh, I know! Isn't it awesome? Thank you so much for coming by, Tanya. Happy reading :)

  2. What a great chart. There is definitely something for everyone there. And it definitely need to be shared. I thought I would repost it on my other blog, Randomly Reading, with a nod to you for introducing it to us.

    1. That would be great. It's so nice to see you, Alex.

  3. What a great chart! So helpful! I know a lot of kids and adults who could use a chart like this. Thanks for posting! :)

    Hope you are having a nice summer, Angela!

    1. You're quite welcome, Jess. I hope you're having a terrific summer too.
