
Saturday, December 8, 2012

Weekend Cooking: Rachael Ray's Year in Meals

I got a new cookbook in the mail this week. I'm assuming it's from a Secret Santa because I didn't order it, but I'm in love and very grateful. It's Rachael Ray's newest cookbook that she wrote with her husband, John Cusimano. They did all of their own photography for this project.

She kept a diary for a year and wrote down what she cooked for her family and friends. Some the recipes are fancier with more exotic items than what we're accustomed to her fixing on her talk show and her 30 Minute Meals. There are little notes throughout that are a fun peek into their lives. They even take us with them to Italy!

The book is billed as an "Atria Smart Book." QR codes are scattered throughout that connect you to bonus videos. You can also visit here to access this content.


When you flip the book over, there are more than 100 drink recipes from her husband.

Have I mentioned that I love this book? I do.

I would have made something from it to share with you today, but it's my birthday. I already planned on ingesting a box of Lactaid so that I can eat my weight in pizza. I've mentioned before how much I love bacon (here and here come to mind), and Papa Murphy's has a Bacon, Bacon, Bacon pizza right now.

But I'm sure you'll hear from me about this cookbook again. Very soon.

Here's the trailer from Rachael.

 Have a terrific weekend,

Weekend Cooking, hosted by Beth Fish Reads, is open to anyone who has any kind of food-related post to share: Book (novel, nonfiction) reviews, cookbook reviews, movie reviews, recipes, random thoughts, gadgets, quotations, beer, wine, photographs. If your post is even vaguely foodie, feel free to grab the button and link up anytime over the weekend.


  1. Looks great. Have a super weekend.

  2. Have a happy birthday! This book is definitely the kind of surprise I'd like to get. :)

  3. Happy Birthday! I love the idea that Rachel Ray kept a food diary and incorporated it into her cookbook. Thanks for sharing!
    Rebecca @ The Key to the Gate

    1. Thank you so much, Rebecca. Your butternut squash soup looks delicious.

  4. Oh, I'll have to look this cookbook up! I love peeking into peoples' eating lives to see just how different they are from me. Thanks for sharing, and happy birthday!

    1. Thank you, Cecelia. Your roasted vegetables look gorgeous as well as delicious.

  5. thats an interesting approach. It would be fun to track what I cook for a year. I cook frm a lot of different countries/cultures. it would be world travel. What a lovely surprise this is for you.

    1. It was a terrific surprise. Thanks so much for stopping by, Heather.

  6. Happy Birthday! I love Rachael Ray's recipes as well, I have many of hers in my repertoire.

    1. Thank you, Diane. I make her turkey meatloaf quite often.

  7. Cool idea to have links to videos -- sometimes that's exactly what I need in a recipe!

    1. I know, right?! Congratulations on your anniversary :)

  8. Happy birthday! Hope that pizza was awesome!

    I've tried to keep a food journal too, with photos of the food and wine or at least the sources and inspirations behind the meals I make for dinner (I'm not much of a recipe follower, despite the number of cookbooks I own). Unfortunately, I've never kept up with it for more than a few days at a time. Yes, I'm a total journal failure.

    1. LOL, me too (a journal failure). The pizza was delicious. Thanks so much for the birthday wishes, Beth.

  9. I've heard lots about this cookbook, and I really like some of Rachel Ray's recipes. I'll have to look for it.
    And Happy Birthday.

  10. Oh man...I heart me some Rachael Ray...I will NEED to get this cookbook soon!!

    1. I don't know how one woman can come up with so many darn recipes. Thank you, Kelly, for coming by.

  11. How awesome that you got a free copy in the mail. This secret Santa sounds really nice. How'd they know?

    1. I have no idea, but I'm not giving it back :)

  12. Happy Birthday! Enjoy your pizza! Great review, I've heard so many great things about this book, I'm adding it to my wishlist!

    1. Thank you so much, Carol. The pizza was delicious.
